Goodbye 2021, and Hello 2022!
I am wishing you all a healthy, happy, and successful year ahead.
I have a feeling that this year is going to be our year, especially after the position we were in last year with the pandemic.
I am hoping for more self-growth, building on those weaknesses, and making sure that I am happy and not too reliant on others, as well as keeping in touch with those that mean a lot to me in my life. I am a bit scared of thinking this far ahead, but I'm being optimistic about the future and what I want in life. Here is to more amazing memories, and to continue from the progress I made especially in the other half of 2021.

I'm not the one to set loads of new years resolutions or feel pressured into making them because realistically I never stick to them. I decided to treat them as goals, but one's that I have been thinking about for a while and thought now is the time to put them into place.
These goals of mine, I am not expecting myself to be getting into them straight away, it'll take a lot of time. A few of them may not happen until later on in the year. I think for me the key thing is to not think about these things too much and to just get on with them. Getting in a more productive and varied routine will help me out, and get me through my days a bit better.
Further down this page, you will see what my 2022 goals are. I have listed quite a few, but some are ones that I want to continue on with, and others are ones that I want to start up in this New Year.
My 2022 goals:
- Have a better relationship with food. Discover more new pallets and recipes that I can keep consistent. I am currently keeping a meal plan document on my laptop so that I can keep adding to it and developing some of the dishes that I have on there.

- Get back into my home workouts regularly. Even if I start with 15-30 mins for 3 days a week to start. Lilly Sabri was my go-to during the pandemic and I would love to get back into her home workouts for my toning and to feel better in myself.

- Continue growing my Lifestyle content creating. Since the start of last year, I had come so far and have met so many amazing people within this social media community of like-minded people. People that also have an interest in lifestyle, travel, food, coffee, and architecture. All those elements have meant that I have discovered, connected, and grown my passions.

- Continue with my hobbies that don't involve my phone or staring at the screen. My daily routine is to fit in at least 15-20 minutes to go out for a walk, or if not every day, try to do it on the days where I'm not doing my home workouts. Before the end of 2021, I started reading more since I had a handful of books and magazines at home that I would buy, but not read. Even if it's something I do over the weekend, it's a great way of passing time and having a break from social media and the screens.

- Secure a full-time job that I am happy with. Have the chance to move away from home again and live the lifestyle that I desire. From this pandemic, I have never been so determined to go for what I deserve. Hopefully, within the next few months of 2022, something will pop up at the right time for me, even if it is part-time or a job that isn't necessarily my dream career, I must get something that is going to encourage me to live that new exciting chapter and to push myself out of my comfort zone.

- More solo trips. Whether it's going to the cinema, a restaurant, a coffee shop, or going on a city break, whatever it may be, I would love to continue from that and push myself even more. I achieved doing so much for myself last year such as going out for meals, going to concerts, and spending my birthday on my own. Without the strength I had then, I wouldn't be the person that I am today. I am proud that I took those steps, and yes it doesn't happen overnight, and I still have my weaknesses and fears of doing certain things on my own, however, I have done it for the better and I have come out a much stronger person to what I was the start of last year. It is not to say that I will not hang out with my friends and family, but it opens another door for making the most out of my life. It would be great also to continue keeping in touch with those few people that I value in my life and to meet up and make more memories with them.

- Save money and budget more. I spend too much on things that I don't necessarily need when I could be spending it on making memories by going away somewhere and living some unforgettable experiences. Budgeting so that I can put money back into savings for a place of my own one day. I want to make sure that I can still make plans and live my life at the moment, so I don't want to restrict my money too much. At the end of the day, money returns, but those moments in time won't.

Have you got any exciting plans or goals for 2022? I know it is a big thing, and you don't have to know right away. Some of them may be discovered over time. Even if it is just one goal, it is a step in the right direction.
I look at the New Year as not a new me, but a better me. A year where I want to continue being myself and discovering what I love doing with my life. It's completely okay if you don't necessarily want to set goals and want to see where this year takes you. For me having some goals to refer to helps me to stay focused and know where I stand with my progression.

It looks like we have some similar goals. My top priority is getting a job that I am happy with and doesn't cause me so much undue stress. Good luck to you with this year!
That's a great way of looking at it! Setting goals is much better a way to put it than resolutions. I hope you achieve them all!
Some great goals. I wish you well in achieving everything you have set out.
I need to get back to fitness, mainly because it does wonders for my mental health.